Lee Jun Ki will be saying ‘Thank You’ to fans with a new single album release

جونگی با انتشار البوم “ممنونم” از فن هاش برای حمایتش توی سال های گذشته تشکر میکنه


این البوم جونگی شامل سه ترک هستش. “Thank you” اختصاصی برای فن ها ، “Now” تمایل لی جونگی برای حفظ ارتباطش با فن ها رو نشون میده و اهنگی برای تعطیلات در پیش با عنوان “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”.

این البوم فردا ۳ دسامبر همزمان با اولین میتینگ تور اسیایی جونگی منتشر میشهwp-monalisa icon

برای شنیدن بخشی از اهنگ ها به ادرس زیر برین 


ترجمه انگلیسی اهنگ Now

Lee Joongi – Now English Translation

I like your smile
Remember, all the things we’ve been through
Again Let’s give it a go
Without even knowing
(When I feel choked up (now
(When my heart keeps fluttering (now
When I see you smiling
(Now Now Now Now)
(When we locked eyes (now
(When we walked together (now
(When I feel choked up (now
Right in front of us
(Now Now Now Now)
There were a lot more hardships than I thought
When I’m alone, when I’m tired
I remember your face again
No matter how hard I try
When I’m still in the same place
I think about when we were together
I think about you right here
And I smile
The sky seems brighter today
(It shines brightly (now
You’ve gotten a little closer
Right now, you and I
It’s a moment to remember
Without even knowing
(When I feel choked up (now
(When my heart keeps fluttering (now
When I see you smiling
(Now Now Now Now)
(When we locked eyes (now
(When we walked together (now
(When I feel choked up (now
Right in front of us
(Now Now Now Now)
Sometimes when I’m tired and exhausted
When I think about it
All of the times we spent together
All the times we laughed
I remember
(Now Now Now Now)
No matter how hard I try
When I’m still in the same place
I think about when we were together
I think about you right here
And I smile
The sky seems brighter today
(It shines brightly (now
You’ve gotten a little closer
Right now, you and I
It’s a moment to remember
Without even knowing
(When I feel choked up (now
(When my heart keeps fluttering (now
When I see you smiling
(Now Now Now Now)
(When we locked eyes (now
(When we walked together (now
(When I feel choked up (now
Right in front of us
(Now Now Now Now)
The times we laughed together
(Had fun together (now
Remember the same memories
The same heart fluttering feelings
(Now Now Now Now)
When I’m tired of the same life
(I’ll remember today (now
The times we laughed together
Had fun together
I’ll remember this moment
This never ending moment, now

مطلب پیشنهادی

LeeJoonGi New Tracks/Delete – Dancing in the moonlight

انتشار دو تک اهنگ جدید از جونگی Delete Dancing in the moonlight

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دانلود اجراهای فن میتینگ کووالالامپور Delete-NEW Dancing in the moonlight-NEW Can’t be Slow Bring Da …

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عکس های فن میتینگ کووالالامپور 32Pics/14Mb

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