It’s already the New Year’s Day in Korea~! It’s the horse year which is said that as many as 5 different colors of horses take turns to represent every 60 years based on the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements theory.~ The year 2014 is for the Blue which means a progressive spirit and tenacity. The year of the blue horse! Let’s run on our horses towards our happiness, success and love like crazy. Happy New Year♡ (Translation by Elly)

I will hit a huge jackpot this year as well so you do the same. Kkk This would be the dignity of the ambitious actor Lee….. (translation by Elly)

I went to a hospital. TT my throat was in bad condition so I had it checked in the hospital in Tokyo.TT. I am worried because the event is from tomorrow (weep weep) Recover quickly TT please (translation by Elly)
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چنتا سال نودارن اخه اینا :silly:
گلوش درد گرفته آخه چرا داری خودتو واسه ژاپنیا به کشتن میدی
در راه فن ها شهید شد رفت :laugh: :bunny: :skeleton:
همینو بگو رفته واسه اونا حنجرشو داغون کرده
ای وای دوباره گلو درد ؟؟
چرا انقد به خودش فشار میاره :shout:
نمی دونم والا
ازبس که فن هاشو دوس دارا خودش میگه طرفداراش خانوادشن
سال نو مبارک :rotfl: اخه پسر چرا این قدر به خودت فشار میاری اگه دستم بهت برسه خدمتت میرسم :reallypissed: :pissedoff: :evilgrin:
نمی دونم چرا به خودش فشارمیاره
عزیزم ما فیلی شدیم مارو با ادرس جدید بلینک :)
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